Saturday 8 October 2022

There are several versions...

A panoramic view or some of my 25M Bedfords : an interesting topic for future posts !

Welcome in the english version of my blog ! In this blog I will try to share with other collectors the results of my discoveries on casting variants of classical die-cast vehicles. This blog has now moved here, the previous platform having made it fast invisible.

I am collecting for near 40 years, and my collection has over ten thousand pieces (I have ceased to count them exactly for a couple of years…). It is not a prestigious collection, composed of models having moved directly from the factory to the showcase ! Often I don't have the boxes. I will never forget that those cars I'm collecting have been at first TOYS, and that as such they sometimes had accidents !!! Amongst them you can find some cars lovely repainted by kids a lot of years ago, such as this Riley, witch is one one of my preferred :

About my variants hunting, I remember a discussion with my friend JP : as a newbie in collecting I announced him proudly that I had bought "the" French Dinky Citroen U23 breakdown truck (#35A), and he answered me "Which one ? there are several variants…" The next time I visited him he gave me my first lesson on variants, and it was the beginning of a quest for "5-legs sheeps" (as we say here) that never ended since ! A lot of thanks to you JP !

Post initially published : Aug 19th, 2016.

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Post updated on Sept.17th, 2023 with a 6th version discovered ! DINKY-TOYS GB #27B/320 TRAILERS : side by side the earliest and the penultim...